No Conflict of Interests Think again


No Conflict of Interests? Think again.

The prudent lawyer is constantly on alert to the potential for a conflict of interest to arise.

No Conflict of Interests? Think again.
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Repeat asylum appeals is legislative change really necessary


Repeat asylum appeals: is legislative change really necessary?

The UK’s immigration and asylum system is rarely out of the headlines for a variety of reasons.

Repeat asylum appeals: is legislative change really necessary?
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Developments in commercial rent arrears new legislation


Developments in commercial rent arrears: new legislation

The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on businesses has, unsurprisingly, led to court cases.

Developments in commercial rent arrears: new legislation
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The Revised CON29DW Commercial Drainage and Water Search

The Commercial Drainage and Water search has been developed and updated to reflect the ever-changing water industry and legislative framework.

The Revised CON29DW Commercial Drainage and Water Search
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A look at how our donkeys are prepared to go into residential homes.

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Court diverts equity in property to fund inheritance claim


Court diverts equity in property to fund inheritance claim

Court diverts equity in property to fund inheritance claim
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Disclosure Update digital devices and email attachments


Disclosure Update – digital devices and email attachments

Disagreements in the context of disclosure are increasingly cropping up in relation to digital devices and communications.

Disclosure Update – digital devices and email attachments
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Law Factory 400x270


Cashflow: Is sustained positive cashflow possible?

The short answer to that question is YES! This article will look at how to maintain positive cashflow, even when things are difficult.

Cashflow: Is sustained positive cashflow possible?
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St Andrews 400x270


Too many people have to turn to crime before they get the mental health support they need

This article highlights the high prevalence of people with mental health needs in the CJS and the gap in specialist support needed to help people turn to a life...

Too many people have to turn to crime before they get the mental health support they need
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The views and opinions expressed in these news articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of Practice Enterprise, The Solicitors Group or of its clients.

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