Varying the Dispositions of Estates [2020]
Webinar Details
Available now
Expires after 90 days
Lesley King
CPD Hours: 1
This webinar is presented by Lesley King. The way in which property has been left on death is often unsatisfactory either because the personal circumstances of family members have changed or because tax legislation has altered. The introduction of the residence nil rate band in 2017 means that many wills prepared before that date are now unsuitable. However, families are not stuck with an unsuitable result. Statutory provisions exist which allow the way in which assets have been left to be complete redrafting redrafted after death to achieve a better result.
This session examines:
- the alternative provisions available (IHTA 1984, s142, s143 and s144)
- which provision should be selected
- the formalities required
- what can be achieved by each section of the Act
- the pitfalls.
Learning objectives:
After completing this session delegates will be able to:
- select and implement the appropriate provision, and
- avoid pitfalls.
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