The Law, Practice and Procedure of the Adult Magistrates' Court [2020]

Webinar Details

Available now

Expires after 90 days

Colin Beaumont, legal trainer

CPD Hours: 1


This webinar is presented by Colin Beaumont. Whether you are just starting out as an advocate in the Adult Magistrates’ court or have been attending there for some time this 1-hour webinar is for you. There’s always something new to learn and keeping abreast with the law, practice and procedure of the Adult Magistrates’ Court is very time-consuming. In all probability you just don’t have the time to keep up with it all.

Watch the 2020 trailers:-

The following 10 important points will be covered during the presentation:

  1. Written charges and requisitions and time periods for commencing proceedings in summary-only offences – helpful case-law from the High Court
  2. A ‘not guilty’ plea having been entered – case management – getting to grips with your duties as a participant under the Criminal Procedure Rules 2015
  3. The law in relation to matters that are ‘sent’ – indictable only – either-way and summary
  4. The law in relation to ‘committals for sentence’ – either-way offences and summary offences
  5. Charging in the face of the Court or amending indictable to either-way or either-way to summary or from one summary offence to a different summary offence – an examination of the law in this area
  6. Breach of bail conditions – who bears the burden? – To what extent must that burden be discharged? – Within what time period must the person appear in Court?
  7. Adults and children and young people appearing jointly with adults in the Adult Magistrates Court – either-way offences – summary offences – indictable only offences
  8. At what point does surrender to bail take place in your local Magistrates’ Court?
  9. Explaining the sentence – early release under the Home Detention Curfew Scheme – period to be served and period on licence – the Offender Rehabilitation Act 2014
  10. Allocation and Sending generally following the publication of the Allocation and Sending Guidelines