Deportation Update [2022]
Webinar Details
Available now
Expires after 90 days
Adam Pipe
CPD Hours: 1
In this 1 hour webinar from our LAW2022 Online Autumn package, Adam Pipe will cover the latest developments in deportation law.
Adam will cover the latest developments in deportation law including the unduly harsh test, very significant obstacles to integration, and very compelling circumstances.
The session will cover the latest case law developments in this important area and look at practical and tactical consideration when preparing representations and for an appeal.
This session will include:
- Article 8 of the ECHR
- Who is a 'foreign criminal'?
- The Act not the Rules
- Deportation: Unduly Harsh, Very Compelling, Rehabilitation and Best Interests
- Public interest in deportation: fixed or moveable?
- Deportation of those who lawfully settled in the UK as children and were subsequently convicted of serious criminal offences
- Deportation, Very Significant Obstacles and Exile
And much more
Practitioners will come away from this session with an understanding of the key recent developments in immigration law.