Tackling Cybercrime and Fraud [2021]
Webinar Details
Available now
Expires after 90 days
Trevor Hellawell MA (Cantab)
CPD Hours: 1
This course is essential for anyone who is working in the legal environment and who interacts with the internet – so, all of us, then. In the current febrile climate of Covid lockdown and home-working in particular we all need to have our wits about us in the battle against the scammers and fraudsters. The fact that we may be a little paranoid doesn’t mean they are not out get us. ‘Trust no-one’ is not a great recommendation for client care but ‘taking five’ to ask ourselves ‘could I be being scammed here?’ is always good advice. This webinar will discuss the common types of cybercrime and fraud steps we might encounter and how best to overcome them.
- Scale of cybercrime
- Types of cybercrime – systems attacks and ID fraud
- Implications of Covid and home-working – unique attacks and alarming increases
Steps to overcome the main attacks
- Systems attacks
- Policies and internal protocols
- CyberEssentials & ISO 27001
- Cyber insurance
- Practical steps
- ID fraud
- AML CDD checks
- E-searches
- The importance of CDD checks and verification
- The key point to watch
- GDPR implications
- Essential steps to guard against frauds of all types
Key points to take away
- Key risks that we all face
- Key dos and don’ts
- Particular steps to take under Covid
- Vigilance is everything