Criminal Evidence [2020]
Webinar Details
Available now
Expires after 90 days
Colin Beaumont, legal trainer
CPD Hours: 1
This webinar is presented by Colin Beaumont. Never has it been so important for lawyers to get to grips with the minutiae of criminal evidence. You may be doing trials in the Magistrates’ Court. You may be doing trials in the Crown Court. You may be doing both. Whether you are a prosecutor or a defence practitioner or a legal adviser to Magistrates’ you will find this 1-hour webinar on criminal evidence extremely useful and practical.
Watch the 2020 trailer.
The following 10 important points will be covered during the presentation.
- The extent to which that which is written on the PET Form or the PTPH Form can become admissible evidence during the trial itself
- An examination of the legislation and recent case-law concerning bad character of both defendants and non-defendants
- An examination of the legislation and recent case-law concerning hearsay evidence
- Res Gestae and in particular 999 calls to the police and body-worn footage
- The circumstances in which a written witness statement may be read in the course of the trial and the circumstances in which it may not! – Some really interesting case-law
- Section 139 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and refreshing of memory whilst giving evidence
- Hostility rulings and a consideration of Section 119 of the CJA 2003
- Expert evidence – duties placed upon a party calling an expert to ensure that that person is an expert and to ensure that the expert’s report is written in a particular way – some very interesting case-law in this area
- The Criminal Procedure Rules 2015 (as amended) and the Criminal Practice Directions
- The provision of evidence and the disclosure of unused material which meets the test for disclosure – the duties placed upon the Crown at common law and under the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 and the duties placed upon the defence