
Statutory Wills: Impending Reform

Reform of The Wills Act 1837 has been on the cards for a long time and modernisation will be welcome in many ways. The pandemic has, of course, already prompted...

Statutory Wills: Impending Reform
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Safety in Banking and Dual Authority

Safety in Banking and Dual Authority
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LAW2021 update - what to expect from our online events and other courses

The Solicitors Group's law CPD courses and exhibitions have continued to provide outstanding learning and development content for legal practitioners, and there...

LAW2021 update - what to expect from our online events and other courses
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Managing Workloads and Learning

A recent snap poll suggests that many lawyers are too busy with their client workload to undertake essential training and development. This should sound alarm b...

Managing Workloads and Learning
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Decoding The Legal Software Conundrum

It is not always easy navigating the legal software marketplace, as there are lots of good suppliers offering a wide range of different products to choose from.

Decoding The Legal Software Conundrum
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How should law firms manage digital transformation?

In June 2020, The Financial Times reported that the COVID-19 crisis was accelerating the uptake of legal technology within law firms. The pandemic has greatly e...

How should law firms manage digital transformation?
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Covid rent arrears


Commercial Rent Arrears: ‘Covid-19’ defence falls at the first hurdle

The first ruling on rent arrears where the defendant raised covid-19 as a defence to a rent arrears claim has now been reported.

Commercial Rent Arrears: ‘Covid-19’ defence falls at the first hurdle
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Family Law - what if an abuser won't cooperate with a court order?

In a financial remedy case involving abuse, the courts could order an abuser to, for example, sell the former matrimonial home. But what if they refuse to compl...

Family Law - what if an abuser won't cooperate with a court order?
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What you Need to Know about Sham Marriages

What you Need to Know about Sham Marriages
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The views and opinions expressed in these news articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of Practice Enterprise, The Solicitors Group or of its clients.

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