LAW2021 Online: Wills and Probate (Autumn)
Webinar Details
Available now
Expires after 60 days
Professor Lesley King & James Beresford
CPD Hours: 6

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In partnership with our lead sponsor LEAP, the practice management software provider, we are able to offer you a discounted event booking fee of only £74! That’s a saving of £75+vat off the standard rate of £149+vat for the event!
Simply book this event and then confirm that you would like to participate in a demonstration of LEAP to discover the benefits of their software. Having completed your demonstration, you will then be reimbursed for £75+vat.
Demonstration bookings can be made via our LEAP offer request form which can be found here. Simply complete the form and we will be in touch. To be eligible for this offer, you will need to be an IT decision maker or partner in a legal practice and not already a LEAP customer.
So, what is LEAP?
LEAP is a cloud-based practice management system developed for small to medium sized law firms. The software powerful features allow you to manage your practice and your matters more efficiently and profitably from anywhere, anytime and on any device with ‘real-time’ matter and client information available when out of the office. For more information about LEAP, click here.
This event launched on 3rd November and includes:
- High quality 4 x 1 hour pre-recorded videos and audio broadcast (topic titles are listed below)
- Q&A – a recording of the live 1-hour 'Shape the Debate' session with our speakers that is taking place on 1st December 2021. This is your opportunity to hear our experts answering attendee questions on both the pre-recorded content and general day to day Probate issues
- LAW2021 Online: Wills and Probate online exhibition – you can gain an additional hour of CPD via a choice of webinar from our Webinar Learning Library worth £35 +VAT.
Practical and Profitable Probate
Presented by James Beresford
This is a practical session that will cover:
- Helpful tips and Techniques to make your Probate practice more efficient and profitable
- The use of Factsheets
- IT opportunities
- Effective use of precedents
- File Organisation; and
- Client management
The Importance of Estate Accounts
Presented by James Beresford
This is a practical session that will provide a grounding in the steps that have to be taken to remove a personal representative including:
- Why are Estate Accounts important?
- The information we are required to give in estate accounts
- When should we prepare estate accounts
- Efficient preparation techniques
- The use of IT
- A suggested format of Estate account with a worked example
Varying the disposition Estates
Presented by Professor Lesley King
The way in which property has been left on death is often unsatisfactory either because the personal circumstances of family members have changed or because tax legislation has altered. The introduction of the residence nil rate band in 2017 means that many wills prepared before that date are now unsuitable. However, families are not stuck with an unsuitable result. Statutory provisions exist which allow the way in which assets have been left to be complete redrafting redrafted after death to achieve a better result.
This session examines:
- The statutory provisions available
- Which provisions should be protected
- The formalities required
- What can be achieved by each method
- The limited effect of reading back
The Impact of Lifetime Gifts on Estates in Administration
Presented by Professor Lesley King
Even when lifetime gifts do not exceed the nil rate band, they can have a significant (and usually complicating) effect on the administration of estates.
This session examines:
- The IHT implications of lifetime gifts including,:
- the effect on IHT payable on the estate
- the burden of IHT– who pays?
- the effect of changes in value between gift and death
- the risk of penalties in relation to gifts
• SDLT issues for beneficiaries
- the SDLT implications of lifetime gifts for
- warnings for beneficiaries
- the possible use of variations to avoid problems
Previous event partners include:
We have trialled the format at previous online conferences, and we are overwhelmed with the feedback we have received from making our face-to-face events possible online. Comments we have received so far include:
"The whole experience was valuable, and communication has been really first class" - General Advisor
"I wanted to say how much I valued receiving and sharing the Online webinar. I felt it was very helpful and very interesting for you to allow all legal practitioners to participate. Thank you for all the extra information and resources, I look forward to the next." - Solicitor in practice
"The world of law is in constant flux and the speakers update on recent developments will be extremely helpful going forward (as they ever are!)" - Solicitor/Director
"I have never attended a similar event but I definitely would again" - Partner
"A good way to access training at a time to suit you, the online course is as effective as attending in person." - Associate Solicitor