LAW2020 Online: Wills & Probate (Spring)

Webinar Details

Available now

Expires after 30 days

Professor Lesley King and Jacqui Lazare

CPD Hours: 6


Professor Lesley King and Jacqui Lazare present LAW2020 Online: Wills and Probate which will update you on vital developments following the impact of Covid-19 affecting private client practitioners and will enable you to adapt your office practice and procedures where necessary. All without leaving your desk and at a time to suit you.

This event is now entirely pre-recorded and includes:

  • High quality 4 x 1 hour pre-recorded videos and audio broadcast (topic titles are listed below)
  • Q&A – a 1-hour Q&A session with our speakers, originally broadcast live in June 2020. “Shape The Debate” is your opportunity to hear our experts answering attendee questions on both the pre-recorded content and general day to day Wills and Probate issues
  • LAW2020 Online: Wills & Probate online exhibition – chance to gain additional hours CPD, including a choice of webinar from our Distance Learning catalogue worth £35 +VAT.

Wills and Probate education sessions include:-

1. Wills and Probate Update presented by Professor Lesley King

In these difficult times it’s not easy keeping up to date. This webinar will look at key recent developments looking at:

  • The changes to probate applications.
  • The time line for changes to the Trusts Register and the implications for private client practitioners.
  • Lessons to be learned from recent mistake cases.
  • Recent decisions on I(PFD)A claims

2. Will Making in Lockdown presented by Professor Lesley King

Private client practitioners are having to cope with an increase in people wanting to make wills at a time when face to face contact is impossible. This webinar will consider:

  • Recent advice and guidance from the SRA, Law Society and STEP.
  • Difficulties in taking instructions.
  • Should you amend your retainer?
  • What to do if concerned about capacity or undue influence.

3. Dealing with Estates and Wills Trusts presented by Jacqui Lazare

This seminar is aimed at qualified wills and probate and private client practitioners and will look at the following areas:

  • Post-death arrangements and analysing when desirable
  • Tax issues faced by PRs for estates, including where there are will trusts
  • How to deal with settled property as part of a client’s overall estate planning

4. Later Life Planning presented by Jacqui Lazare

This seminar is aimed at qualified wills and probate and private client practitioners and will look at the following areas which arise when advising elderly clients, where capacity is intact:

  • Death-bed planning
  • Funding IHT
  • Review of options available – e.g. importance of retaining access to capital and/or income and available lifetime exemptions
  • Best practice

Event partners include:


We have trialled the format at previous online conferences, and we are overwhelmed with the feedback we have received from making our face-to-face events possible online. Comments we have received so far include:

"The whole experience was valuable, and communication has been really first class" - General Advisor

"I wanted to say how much I valued receiving and sharing the Online webinar. I felt it was very helpful and very interesting for you to allow all legal practitioners to participate. Thank you for all the extra information and resources, I look forward to the next." - Solicitor in practice

"The world of law is in constant flux and the speakers update on recent developments will be extremely helpful going forward (as they ever are!)" - Solicitor/Director

"I have never attended a similar event but I definitely would again" - Partner

"A good way to access training at a time to suit you, the online course is as effective as attending in person." - Associate Solicitor

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2020 Distance Learning SRA Mandatory Webinars

The SRA’s updated compulsory requirements for all solicitors and law firms make these 1-hour pre-recorded lectures a must-watch.

Eliminate your risk by ensuring your team is trained in these key areas.

Get instant access to all 3 sessions for only £90 + VAT by using the discount code DL30 at the checkout.