LAW2023 Online: Commercial Property (Autumn)
Webinar Details
Available now
Expires after 90 days
Mark Shelton and Richard Snape
CPD Hours: 6
This event features a combination of live and pre-recorded content, providing up to 6 hours of CPD
The course includes:
- A high quality 4 x 1 hour pre-recorded video and audio broadcast (topic titles are listed below)
- Q&A – a 1-hour 'Shape the Debate' Q&A session with our speakers. This is your opportunity to hear our experts answering questions on both the recorded content and general day to day Commercial Conveyancing issues.
- LAW Online: Commercial Property exhibition – visit this and you can gain an additional hour of CPD, via a webinar of choice from our Webinar Learning Library worth £35 +VAT.
Scroll down to view the topics
1. Alienation Consents – Escape Routes for Landlords
Presented by Mark Shelton, Commercial Property Management Law Trainer
Tenants have powerful rights under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1988, to force landlords into granting consent to assignments and underletting despite perhaps having significant misgivings. Landlords can find themselves put under pressure to consent by the threat of a claim for damages, but even when apparently cornered, there may be opportunities to relieve the pressure so as to at least buy time for proper consideration and negotiation, and perhaps to succeed in resisting the proposed transaction altogether.
We will consider the implications of connected applications for alterations and change of use, as well as issues concerning waiver of any right to forfeit, as well as tactical grant of consent, and drafting options for improving the landlord's position.
At the end of the session you will have an understanding of:
- How alienation clauses can be structured favourably to the landlord.
- What considerations affect the question whether a landlord has made its decision within a reasonable time.
- How connected applications for change of use and alterations can be used creatively.
- How an application may be progressed without waiving a right to forfeit.
2. Licenses to Alter- Essential Content, Pitfalls and Nice Surprises
Presented by Mark Shelton, Commercial Property Management Law Trainer
While landlords retain a greater degree of control over consent to alterations than they have in relation to alienation, tenants are certainly not without rights. Landlords need to be aware of procedural pitfalls, and potentially serious consequences of being seen to have been unreasonable, even without the threat of a claim for damages. When consent is documented, surprisingly little attention is often given to the content of the humble licence to alter, and yet the consequences of how it (and the alterations clause of the lease) are drafted can be profound.
We will consider the key pitfalls of the consent process, and how both parties might usefully anticipate and provide for future consequences in drafting terms.
At the end of the session you will have an understanding of:
- The implications of key drafting points in alteration clauses.
- Deadlines and flashpoints in the process of progressing an application for consent.
- The risk of re-writing the lease by unreasonable conduct.
- The potential for accidental release of lease guarantors, and how to prevent it.
- Key matters for the drafting of the license to alter.
3. Commercial Leases Update
Presented by Richard Snape, Consultant at Davitt Jones Bould
Commercial leases continue to undergo major changes. The course aims to look at some of the changes and their implications for busy property professionals.
Topics covered include:
- Recent case law on service charges
- Recent case law on heads of terms
- Tenancies at will
- Break clauses after the Court of Appeal case of Turner v Thomas
- Higher-risk buildings and mixed-use development
- Recent developments on minimum energy efficiency standards
- High street rental auctions and the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill 2022-23
4. Exercising Break Clauses and Other Methods of Terminating Commercial Leases
Presented by Richard Snape, Consultant at Davitt Jones Bould
This is a very topical area in the post-pandemic online world. It will look at break clauses and other termination methods.
Topics covered include:
- Conditions Precedent and Breaks
- The Time for Exercising the Break
- Right of Entry
- Tenant's Notice to Quit
- Surrender of Leases
Lectures are aimed at Property professionals and fee earners involved in both contentious and non-contentious property work.
Learning Outcome
To give an increased knowledge on the subject matter. To update on current issues, case law and statuary provisions and to be able to apply the knowledge gained in the better provision of a service to a client.
Previous event partners include:
We are overwhelmed with the positive feedback we have received from making our face-to-face events possible online. Comments we have received so far include:
"The whole experience was valuable, and communication has been really first class" - General Advisor
"I wanted to say how much I valued receiving and sharing the Online webinar. I felt it was very helpful and very interesting for you to allow all legal practitioners to participate. Thank you for all the extra information and resources, I look forward to the next." - Solicitor in practice
"The world of law is in constant flux and the speakers update on recent developments will be extremely helpful going forward (as they ever are!)" - Solicitor/Director
"I have never attended a similar event but I definitely would again" - Partner
"A good way to access training at a time to suit you, the online course is as effective as attending in person." - Associate Solicitor