LAW2022 Online: Immigration (Autumn)
Webinar Details
Available now
Expires after 90 days
Priya Solanki and Adam Pipe
CPD Hours: 6
This event is now available to book and includes:
- High quality 4 x 1 hour pre-recorded videos and audio broadcast (topic titles are listed below)
- Q&A – watch the 1 hour recording of the “Shape The Debate” Q&A session with the speakers. This is your opportunity to hear our experts answering attendee questions on both the pre-recorded content and general day to day Immigration Law issues
- LAW2022 Online: Immigration Exhibition – claim an additional hour of CPD, via a choice of webinar from our Webinar Learning Library worth £35+VAT
Scroll down to view the topics
Education sessions include:-
1. Deportation Update (Autumn)
Presented by Adam Pipe
In this session Adam will cover the latest developments in deportation law including the unduly harsh test, very significant obstacles to integration, and very compelling circumstances.
The session will cover the latest case law developments in this important area and look at practical and tactical consideration when preparing representations and for an appeal.
2. Immigration, Asylum and Human Rights Update (Spring and Autumn)
Presented by Adam Pipe
In this session Adam looks at the key developments of the last 12 months in this fast moving area of law. Adam will focus on the significant case law of recent months which practitioners need to be aware of and can use when drafting representations, Appeal Skeleton Arguments and Grounds of Appeal. Adam will also look at some of the changes to the Immigration Rules, policy developments and upcoming changes.
This session will include:
- Long Residence
- Section 3C leave
- Article 8 developments including children
- Asylum and Country Guidance
- Deportation
- Entry Clearance
- Judicial Review
- Practice and Procedure
- Adult Dependent Relatives
- Deprivation of Citizenship
- And much more
3. Case Law Update – Family and Private Life Claims / Article 8 ECHR
Presented by Priya Solanki
In this session we will look at the recent and significant authorities in arguing Article 8 ECHR/ private and family life claims. This will include a look at case law impacting on claims based on the following (amongst others)
- Appendix FM
- Paragraph 276ADE
- Family Reunion
- Deportation
- Remote Hearings
- New Matters
- Damages for breaches of ECHR rights
4. Immigration Medical Cases under Articles 3 and 8 ECHR – Where are we now?
Presented by Priya Solanki
In this session we will look at:
- Arguing health cases under Article 3 ECHR including suicide cases
- Arguing health cases under Article 8 ECHR including under Paragraph 276ADE
- A summary of the relevant authorities in this area
- Useful aspects of UKVI policy guidance
- Evidential issues – including a discussion on the requirements for expert evidence
Event partners include:-
We have trialled the format at previous online conferences, and we are overwhelmed with the feedback we have received from making our face-to-face events possible online. Comments we have received so far include:
"The whole experience was valuable, and communication has been really first class" - General Advisor
"I wanted to say how much I valued receiving and sharing the Online webinar. I felt it was very helpful and very interesting for you to allow all legal practitioners to participate. Thank you for all the extra information and resources, I look forward to the next." - Solicitor in practice
"The world of law is in constant flux and the speakers update on recent developments will be extremely helpful going forward (as they ever are!)" - Solicitor/Director
"I have never attended a similar event but I definitely would again" - Partner
"A good way to access training at a time to suit you, the online course is as effective as attending in person." - Associate Solicitor