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Our mission to help solicitors bounce back from tough times.

In the wake of COVID-19, The Solicitors’ Charity has pledged to do even more to help people bounce back from the devastating impact of the pandemic.

Our mission to help solicitors bounce back from tough times.
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Economic Abuse


Economic Abuse - the reality

Economic abuse will be criminalised once the Domestic Violence Bill comes into force. Economic abuse is, effectively, behaviour that interferes with someone’s a...

Economic Abuse - the reality
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Digital Disclosure and Evidence


Digital Disclosure and Evidence: Updated Guidance

Digital disclosure in criminal cases has never been so complex. Newly updated disclosure guidelines reflect in part the increased volume of digital data in cri...

Digital Disclosure and Evidence: Updated Guidance
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Join Trinity’s new Directory of Immigration Advisors for people taking our Secure English Language Tests (SELTs).

This is a directory of independent legal advisors who provide advice in the UK.

Join Trinity’s new Directory of Immigration Advisors for people taking our Secure English Language Tests (SELTs).
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Our gift for the future

Kevin explains why he and his husband have decided to leave a gift to Dementia UK in their Will.

Our gift for the future
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Together we can be the change

At present, a spinal cord injury or Alzheimer’s diagnosis offers little to no hope for patients to ever return to the life that came before.

Together we can be the change
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Burnley man’s generous gift ensures legacy of kindness

Burnley man’s generous gift ensures legacy of kindness
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Risks of Negligent Drafting


The Risks of Negligent Will Drafting

No two cases are the same and care must be taken both with taking client’s instructions and the drafting of the legal deed itself. Though these are obvious poin...

The Risks of Negligent Will Drafting
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Business interruption claims now available via after the event insurance

Following the recent high-profile Supreme Court ruling, an estimated 400,000 businesses forced to close due to Covid restrictions can now pursue claims for comp...

Business interruption claims now available via after the event insurance
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The views and opinions expressed in these news articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of Practice Enterprise, The Solicitors Group or of its clients.

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SRA Mandatory Webinars

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