Working from home freedom or slave to the office


Working from home: freedom or slave to the office?

Working from home: freedom or slave to the office?
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Grandparent applications on the death of a parent P16


Grandparent applications on the death of a parent

How can grandparents win permanent residence for their grandchildren in situations where a parent (or both parents) have died?

Grandparent applications on the death of a parent
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An End to Cheques and Cash

To many, the use of cheques and cash in 2021 seems almost alien. In the legal profession however, it is still quite common.

An End to Cheques and Cash
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The perils of failing to keep attendance notes


The perils of failing to keep attendance notes

Practitioners should pay particular attention to a recent ruling where a solicitor faced judicial criticism for failing to keep full attendance notes when takin...

The perils of failing to keep attendance notes
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Law Firm Webinar: We Are Talking All Things AML Next Week

Next week the Legal Division of the leading software provider for mid market businesses in the UK and Asia Pacific, The Access Group, will be running an AML web...

Law Firm Webinar: We Are Talking All Things AML Next Week
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SRA Fines 7 Firms for AML Breaches Are you Compliant


SRA Fines 7 Firms for AML Breaches – Are you Compliant?

For the second month in a row, the SRA has issued penalties to firms across England for breaching anti-money laundering regulations.

SRA Fines 7 Firms for AML Breaches – Are you Compliant?
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Being the COFA – not just a title

Being the COFA – not just a title
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Accounts Rules Breaches pre empting the fall out


Accounts Rules Breaches: pre-empting the fall out

Accounts Rules Breaches: pre-empting the fall out
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Commercial property repairing obligations


Commercial property, repairing obligations and covid-19

Commercial property, repairing obligations and covid-19
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The views and opinions expressed in these news articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of Practice Enterprise, The Solicitors Group or of its clients.

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