Cybersecurity The heightening ransomware risk


Cybersecurity: The heightening ransomware risk

Cybercrime remains one of the biggest and most expensive threats to law firms.

Cybersecurity: The heightening ransomware risk
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The Gazette offers a £50 gift card prize draw for survey

The Gazette offers a £50 gift card prize draw for survey
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An object lesson in maintaining accurate estate accounts


An object lesson in maintaining accurate estate accounts

Robust record-keeping on the part of the executors is key to ensuring they comply with their duty to keep estate accounts.

An object lesson in maintaining accurate estate accounts
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Knife Crime


Knife Crime Prevention Orders – a tool fit for purpose?

A 14-month knife crime prevention order (KCPO) pilot has been underway in London since July 2021.

Knife Crime Prevention Orders – a tool fit for purpose?
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Cost of Repairs The risk to landlords


Cost of Repairs: The risk to landlords of not following statutory process

Anecdotal evidence increasingly reveals the financial burden on leaseholders when major works are required on developments.

Cost of Repairs: The risk to landlords of not following statutory process
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Too many people have to turn to crime before they get the mental health support they need

The links between mental health and offending are significant.

Too many people have to turn to crime before they get the mental health support they need
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Costs Management: Sun Has Set & There Is New Dawn

It seems the sun has set on Jackson-Style budgeting & there is a new dawn

Costs Management: Sun Has Set & There Is New Dawn
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Mandating Vaccine Passports in the Office


Mandating Vaccine Passports in the Office

Covid-19 was the catalyst for an abrupt switch from the office to working from home.

Mandating Vaccine Passports in the Office
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Partial Intestacy

All names have been changed and the partial intestacy relates to William Smith.

Partial Intestacy
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The views and opinions expressed in these news articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of Practice Enterprise, The Solicitors Group or of its clients.

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