Over the last 30 years, World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has worked tirelessly to fund and champion the latest and most authoritative scientific research from around the world to better understand the links between our lifestyles and cancer, so they can help more people make informed choices to reduce their cancer risk.
The scientific evidence gained from this research demonstrates that there is a clear link between diet, weight, physical activity and cancer. From this WCRF have developed their Cancer Prevention Recommendations with over 40 independent studies showing that the more closely people follow the package of recommendations, the lower their risk of developing cancer will be.
WCRF produce all kinds of resources on and offline, including recipes, information booklets, alcohol and exercise calorie calculators, cancer health check tools and more to help us all make simple everyday changes that will reduce our own and our loved ones cancer risk.
Rachael Gormley, CEO of World Cancer Research Fund said: “Every day in the UK around 1,100 people will hear the words, ‘you have cancer’. Over 400 of these people could have avoided this life changing diagnosis if they’d had access to the right information and made simple everyday changes in their diet, weight and physical activity. Given the impact of Coronavirus we know cancer cases will increase and so it’s more vital than ever that we give people the practical, straightforward advice and information they need to help prevent cancer and survive after a diagnosis.”.
Sarah Rebus, Head of Legacy Development at WCRF says “We receive no Government funding so our work is only possible as a result of our supporters fundraising for us and through gifts in wills. The gifts people have left us in their wills have contributed a huge amount to the research we’ve been able to fund so far but there is still so much to do. I hope more people will want to join us and include a gift to support our future work when they next write or update their wills. Because I believe including a gift to WCRF might be the best way we can help give our loved ones and future generations the power to prevent and survive cancer in the years ahead.”
Ruth Penny a breast cancer survivor says “Including a gift to World Cancer Research Fund in my will was such a positive thing to do. I think their research and education work is vital for human wellbeing. I’m happy to know that even after I’m gone I can still do something about a better future for everyone.”
We know you are sometimes faced with people wanting to include a generic ‘cancer research’ legacy gift in their wills and with so many cancer charities to choose from it’s more important than ever to make sure that the correct name of the charity is used. We ask that you might consider mentioning World Cancer Research Fund as a ‘cancer research’ charity your client might like to include in their will.
Together we can prevent cancer
*To read WCRF’s cancer prevention recommendations visit www.wcrf-uk.org/10ways
**To find out more about how you can help their life saving work continue visit www.wcrf-uk.org/legacy