Expert Witness - Vol 11
ePublication Details
Nicola Laver
e-Publication Code: LEW23
'Expert Witness Vol. 11' provides unmissable knowledge on the following topics:
Unregistered Psychological Experts: Judicial Guidance
Psychological experts are increasingly needed for their expertise in court proceedings across the board, in civil, family and criminal proceedings.
Great Expectations: Experts Must Respect The Court
Prudent solicitors select their expert witnesses with care, reflecting the specific needs of the case in hand.
Not Dead Yet: The Billable Hour
The billable hour continues its painfully slow death. A new report illuminates this perennial issue and considers the recent rise in alternative fee arrangements. Meanwhile, an EU ruling on the billable hour is also worth a mention.
Ongoing Competence – Could Do Better
Continuing competence – or if you prefer, continuing professional development – has been a gamechanger for solicitors since the CPD rules changes began in 2016.
A Timely Warning To Comply With Anti-Money Laundering Obligations
Financial crime and money laundering is a growing risk for the legal sector, and a firm’s money laundering compliance officer (MLCO) may dread the prospect of having to file a suspicious activity report to the NCA.
Help your clients make a difference
This publication also functions as a resource for you to browse a range of expert witnesses that can help you with your cases, whether it is family, personal injury, crime or litigation.
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