Charities & Legacies Vol. 7

ePublication Details

Nicola Laver


e-Publication Code: LCAL04

'Charities & Legacies Vol 7' is a free knowledge resource for Wills & Probate practitioners.

These invaluable topics are available to read in the publication FREE OF CHARGE:

The problem of ambiguities around charities named in a will

A recent contested wills claim illustrates how charities can inadvertently become involved in court action, delaying the payment of legacies.

Captain Tom Moore: An inspiration but don’t ignore the risks

The late Captain Sir Tom Moore has become synonymous with fundraising for the NHS, or to put it more accurately, for NHS Charities Together, after his astonishingly effective fundraising feat in the UK’s first national lockdown.

Covid-19: Will-makers have favoured charities

The anticipated peak in charitable legacies is tempered by the realities that administrative problems are delaying legacy payments and a rise in wills disputes is likely in the coming years.

Help your clients make a difference

This publication also functions as a resource for your clients to browse charities that they can choose from to make legacy donations in their wills.