Charities & Legacies Vol. 11

ePublication Details

Nicola Laver


e-Publication Code: LCAL08

'Charities & Legacies Vol 11' is a free knowledge resource for Wills & Probate practitioners.

These invaluable topics are available to read in the publication FREE OF CHARGE:

Charity Trustees: Know Your Duties

Acting as a charity trustee is not for the faint hearted, but there is an abundance of guidance and support
out there.

A Drive To Encourage Philanthropy

Donations to charities by the wealthiest individuals in the UK are declining and the charity
regulator is attempting to do something about it.

Legacies: A Rise In Income Brings An Increased Risk Of Disputes

Will-makers are proving increasingly generous towards their favourite charities, assuming recent evidence is an
accurate reflection.

Help your clients make a difference

This publication also functions as a resource for your clients to browse charities that they can choose from to make legacy donations in their wills.

Once you have selected the E-Publication, you will receive a download link meaning you can access your publication from anywhere.