The Sheppard Trust

The Sheppard Trust

A secure and comfortable home makes an enormous difference, especially in later years. We offer homes to women who need low cost housing, suitable for their later years. Our residents live independently, with the security of knowing that their homes will remain affordable and well-maintained, and that support is on hand when needed.

We currently provide sheltered housing for 29 older women aged 65 years and above, who abide by a Christian faith. The women that apply to us have often been living in insecure or unsuitable accommodation or become reliant on family or friends. Priority is given to those in greatest need.

Our staff are available to support residents during the working week and there is access to an emergency Community Alarm Service 24 hours a day.

We support the health and wellbeing of our residents whilst respecting their individuality and their independence, by providing a tailor-made responsive service.

We aim to foster a neighbourly atmosphere and a sense of community in our schemes. Residents are active in the local community, and our programme of social and community activities contributes to full and active lives.



[email protected]


020 7727 5500


12 Lansdowne Walk, London, W11 3LN




Sheltered Housing, Supported Housing, Almshouse, Older people, women



An almshouse charity housing older women in need, with support to maintain independent living and a supportive community spirit.
An almshouse charity housing older women in need, with support to maintain independent living and a supportive community spirit.
An almshouse charity housing older women in need, with support to maintain independent living and a supportive community spirit.